Poetics and Aesthetics

Name: Country: University: Affiliation: Position: Email: Keywords:
Paul Dahlgren USA Georgia Southwestern State University Dept. Of English and Modern Languages Assistant Professor History of Rhetoric; Poetics; Epideictic Rhetoric; Style; Rhetorical Theory
Tom Deneire Netherlands Huygens ING & K.U. Leuven Post.Doc & Visiting Professor tom.deneire@huygens.knaw.nl Neo-Latin Literature; Stylistics; Ancient Rhetoric; Literary Theory
Pia Engel Germany University of Tübingen Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik Graduate Student pia.engel@uni-tuebingen.de Rhetoric of the Image; Rhetoric of Fiction; Strategic Communication; Persuasion; Rhetorical Theory
Norbert Gutenberg Germany University of Saarlandes Europäisches Institut für Rhetorik  Professor n.gutenberg@mx.uni-saarland.de Rhetoric and Philosophy; Rhetoric as Epistemic; Argumentation; Rhetoric and Politics; Rhetoric and Aesthetics
Gero Guttzeit Germany Justus Liebig Universitaet Giessen International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture Graduate Student gero.guttzeit@gcsc.uni-giessen.de Rhetorical Criticism; Rhetoric and Philosophy; Poetics; Transatlantic Rhetoric; New Rhetoric (18th-19th Century)
Jette Barnholdt Hansen Denmark University of Copenhagen Dept. Of Media, Cognition and Communication Associate Professor barnholdt@hum.ku.dk Orality; Action (voice); Rhetoric and Aesthetics; Epideictic Rhetoric; Renaissance and Baroque Rhetoric
Byron Hawk USA University of South Carolina Dept. Of English Associate Professor byron.hawk@gmail.com Historiographies of Rhetoric; Materialist Rhetoric; Rhetoric and Popular Music; Digital Rhetorics
Laura Herrmann Germany University of Tübingen Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik Graduate Student herrmann.laura@t-online.de Agency; Rhetoric and Theatre; Rhetorical Criticism; Political Communication; Strategic Communication
Christian Kock Denmark University of Copenhagen Dept. Of Media, Cognition and Communication Professor kock@hum.ku.dk Debate; Argumentation; History of Rhetoric; Poetics; Composition
Jeroen Lauwers Belgium K.U. Leuven PhD Fellow jeroen.lauwers@aets.kuleuven.be Second Sophistic; Ancient Greek Literature; Literary Theory; Discourse Analysis; Systemic Theory
James Martin England Goldsmiths, University of London Professor j.martin@gold.ac.uk Politics; Psychoanalysis; Gramschi; Aesthetics; Emotions
Lavinia Silvares Brazil Federal University of Sao Paolo Professor lpsilvares@gmail.com 17th Century Poetry; Metaphysical Poetry; Poetics; Rhetoric; Wit
J.M. Wagner Netherlands Maastricht University Visiting Professor johanna.wagner@maastrichtuniversity.nl Rhetorical Analysis/Criticism in American and British Literature and Film; Gender and Feminism; Rhetorical Theory; Mimetic Theory; Representation