
Name: Country: University: Affiliation: Position: Email: Keywords:
Jeroen Bourgonjon Belgium Ghent University Dept. Of Educational Studies PhD Fellow jeroen.bourgonjon@ugent.be Video Games; Kenneth Burke; Argumentation Theory; Procedural Rhetoric; Education
Michael Burke Netherlands University College Roosevelt/Utrecht University Professor m.burke@roac.nl Rhetoric and Pedagogy; Politics and Persuasion; Rhetoric in Creative Writing; Rhetorical Citizenship; (Literary) Stylistics
Fotini Egglezou Greece N/A N/A Teacher/Director of a Primary School fegglezou@yahoo.gr Rhetoric; Teaching; Argumentation; Language Arts; Text Linguistics
Anders Erikson Sweden Lund University Communication and Media Associate Professor anders.eriksson@kom.lu.se History of rhetoric; Progymnasmata; Interculture; Rhetorical criticism; Oral communication
Hans Gunnarsson Sweden Högskolan i Halmstad University Lecturer hans.gunnarsson@tele2.se Didactics; Visual Rhetoric; Political Rhetoric; Quintillian
Per Liljenberg Halstrøm Denmark The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design (KADK) Research and Inovation Centre PhD Fellow peh@kadk.dk  The Didactic of Rhetoric; Rhetoric of Design; Design Process; Reflective Writing; The Topics
Lennart Hellspong Sweden Södertörn University Professor (retired) lennart.hellspong@sh.se Rhetoric; Didactics; Argumentation; Democracy; Negotiation
Manfred Kraus Germany University of Tübingen Philologisches Seminar Akademischer Rat manfred.kraus@uni-tuebingen.de History; Argumentation; Probability; Exercises; Culture
Carsten Madsen Denmark Aarhus University School of Communication and Culture Associate Professor retcm@dac.au.dk Antiquity; Rhetoric and Epistemology; Sophism; Niezsche; Paideia
Christina Matthiesen Denmark Aarhus University Danish School of Education Assistant Professor chma@edu.au.dk Composition; Imitatio; Rhetorical Agency; Action Research; Rhetorical Citizenship
Eliana Amarante Mendes Brazil Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Professor mendes@ufmg.br Rhetorical Pedagogy; Argumentation/Persuasion; Topics; Conversation; Performance
Stefan Rimm Sweden Uppsala University Teacher/Reseacher stefan@rimm.se History of Rhetoric; History of Education; Identity; Early Modern Period; Rhetoric and Education
Cosima Rughinis Romania University of Bucharest Dept. of Sociology Professor cosima.rughinis@gmail.com Rhetoric of Science; Digital Rhetoric; Quantification; Computer Supported Collaborative Learning; Human-Computer Interaction
Kris Rutten Belgium Ghent University Post.Doc kris.rutten@ugent.be Education; Rhetoric; Cultural Studies; Media; Ethnography
Todor Simeonov Bulgaria Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" PhD Student t_simeonov@phls.uni-sofia.bg Virtual Rhetoric; Virtual Education Rhetoric; Communication and PR; Public Speaking Coaching; Cyberdiplomacy
Fedor Stern Germany Dipl.Päd./Rhetoric Trainer fedorstern@web.de Rhetorical Communication; Rhetorical Competences; Practical Rhetoric; Rhetoric and Education
Yanka Totseva Bulgaria European Polytechnical university Associate Professor y_totseva@abv.bg Rhetoric; Pedagocical Rhetoric; Intercultural Communication; Intercultural Education; Academic virtual rhetoric and educational technologies
Janja Žmavc Slovenia University of Primorska Educational Research Institute Assistant Professor janja.zmavc@gmail.com  Classical Rhetoric; Ethos; Argumentation; Pragmatics; Education