Rhetoric of Science

Name: Country: University: Affiliation: Position: Email: Keywords:
Jonas Bakken Norway University of Oslo Dept. Of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies Associate Professor jonas.bakken@iln.uio.no Rhetoric of Science; Academic Writing; Genre Studies; Reception Theory
Thomas G.M. Blank Germany University of Saarlandes Institut für Alte Geschichte Junior Professor Thomas.blank@uni-saarland.de Classical Rhetoric; Isocrates; Rhetorical Criticism; Rhetoric and Philosophy; Rhetoric of Science
Craig Hamilton France University of Haute Alsace Institut d'Anglais Associate Professor craig.hamilton@uha.fr Cognitive Rhetoric; Stylistics; Discourse Analysis; Scientific Discourse; Cognitive Linguistics
Christina Hanganu-Bresch USA Univeristy of the Sciences (PA) Writing Programs Assistant Professor changanu@hotmail.com Medical Rhetoric; History of Psychology; Visual Rhetoric; Scientific Writing
Jordynn Jack USA University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Associate Professor jjack@email.unc.edu Rhetoric of Science; Genre; Kenneth Burke; Gender and Rhetoric; Rhetorical Theory
Ofer Katchergin  Israel Levinsky academic college & Tel-Aviv university Lecturer oferkerenor@gmail.com Rhetorical Analysis; Rhetorical Studies of Science; The Rhetoric of Medicine; Critical Discourse Analysis; Visual Rhetoric; Deception
Marja Keränen Finland University of Jyväskyla Dept. Of Social Sciences and Philosophy Professor marja.h.keranen@jyu.fi Rhetoric of Governance; Rhetoric of Science
Pieter Maeseele Belgium University of Antwerp Faculty of Political and Social Sciences Professor pieter.maeseele@gmail.com Risk Conflicts; Ideology; (de-)politicization; Science, Risk and Environmental Communication; Media Sociology
Helena Hansson Nylund Sweden Örebro University School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences PhD Fellow helenanylund@hotmail.com Dialogue; Risk Communication; Rhetoric of Science; Public Policy
Cosima Rughinis Romania University of Bucharest Dept. of Sociology Professor cosima.rughinis@gmail.com Rhetoric of Science; Digital Rhetoric; Quantification; Computer Supported Collaborative Learning; Human-Computer Interaction
Assimakis Tseronis Netherlands University of Amsterdam Media Studies Assistant Professor a.tseronis@uva.nl Multimodal Argumentation; Stylistics; Discourse Analysis; Mediated Political Communication; Science Communication