Public Speaking

Name: Country: University: Affiliaton: Position: Email: Keywords:
Judi Atkins United Kingdom Coventry University Lecturer Rhetoric; Political Speech; Ideology; Leadership; British Politics
David Beard USA University of Minnesota Duluth Dept. Of Writing Studies Associate Professor Disciplinarity; Pedagogy; Writing; Speech; Modernity
Andrew Scott Crines United Kingdom University of Huddersfield Lecturer Oratory; Political Speech; British Politics; Elite Leadership; European Union Politics
Anders Erikson Sweden Lund University Communication and Media Associate Professor History of rhetoric; Progymnasmata; Interculture; Rhetorical criticism; Oral communication
Jonas Gabrielsen Denmark Roskilde University Dept. Of Communication, Business and Information Technologies Associate Professor Rhetorical Theory; The Topic; Public Speaking; Aristotle; Argumentation
Marie Gelang Sweden Örebro University HumUS Akademin Professor Actio; Nonverbal Communication; Political Speech; Kairos; Timing
Jette Barnholdt Hansen Denmark University of Copenhagen Dept. Of Media, Cognition and Communication Associate Professor Orality; Action (voice); Rhetoric and Aesthetics; Epideictic Rhetoric; Renaissance and Baroque Rhetoric
Jaap de Jong Netherlands University of Leiden Journalism and New Media Professor Political Rhetoric; Speeches; Visual Rhetoric; Stylistics
Jens Kjeldsen Norway University of Bergen Dept. Of Information Science and Media Studies Professor Visual Rhetoric; Argumentation; Speech Making; Political Rhetoric; Rhetorical Theory
Jim A. Kuypers USA Virginia Tech Dept. of Communication Associate Professor Rhetorical Criticism; Rhetorical Theory; Meta-Criticism; Rhetoric and Public Address; Political Communication
Chandan Lohia United Arab Emirates N/A Rhetoric; Logic; Oratory; Public Persuasion
Sofie Venge Madsen Denmark Aarhus University School of Communication and Culture Lecturer Argumentation; Public Speaking; Rhetorical Criticism
Ivanka Mavrodieva Bulgaria Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Associate Professor Rhetoric and the Internet; Political Rhetoric; Public Speaking; Public Relations; Business Communication
Matthew May USA North Carolina State Universiy Dept. Of Communication Assistant Professor Labor; Continental Philosophy; Cultural Theory; Freedom of Expression; American Public Address
Mark Porrovecchio USA Oregon State University Speech Communication Associate Professor Rhetoric; Pragmatism; History of Speech Communication; Speech and Debate
Lene Rubinstein United Kingdom Royal Halloway University of London Centre for Oratory and Rhetoric Professor Greek (direct) Democracy; Attic Oratory; Oratory and Rhetoric in Inter-State Relations; Legal Education; Forensic Oratory (Ancient and Modern)
Todor Simeonov Bulgaria Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" PhD Student Virtual Rhetoric; Virtual Education Rhetoric; Communication and PR; Public Speaking Coaching; Cyberdiplomacy
Guy Westwood United Kingdom University of Oxford Classics Faculty Leventis Research Fellow Political Oratory; Democratic Rhetoric; Classical Athenian Oratory; Demosthenes; Aeschines