Epideictic Rhetoric

Name: Country: University: Affiliation: Position: Email: Keywords:
Carole Blair USA University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Communication Studies Professor cblair1@email.unc.edu Rhetorical Criticism; Visual & Material Rhetoric; Public Memory; Public Commemoration; Argumentation
Paul Dahlgren USA Georgia Southwestern State University Dept. Of English and Modern Languages Assistant Professor History of Rhetoric; Poetics; Epideictic Rhetoric; Style; Rhetorical Theory
Nils Ekedahl Sweden Södertörn University Institute for Communication, Media and IT Associate Professor nils.ekedahl@sh.se History of Rhetoric; History of Education; Early Modern Period; Epideictic; Rhetoric of Public Spheres
Jette Barnholdt Hansen Denmark University of Copenhagen Dept. Of Media, Cognition and Communication Associate Professor barnholdt@hum.ku.dk Orality; Action (voice); Rhetoric and Aesthetics; Epideictic Rhetoric; Renaissance and Baroque Rhetoric