Classical Rhetoric

Name: Country: University: Affiliation: Position: Email: Keywords:
Thomas G.M. Blank Germany University of Saarlandes Institut für Alte Geschichte Junior Professor Classical Rhetoric; Isocrates; Rhetorical Criticism; Rhetoric and Philosophy; Rhetoric of Science
Tom Deneire Netherlands Huygens ING & K.U. Leuven Post.Doc & Visiting Professor Neo-Latin Literature; Stylistics; Ancient Rhetoric; Literary Theory
Rui Duarte Portugal University of Lisbon Centre for Classical Studies Post.Doc  Hermogenes of Tarsus; De Statibus (Stock Issues); Commentaries on Hermogenes' Statibus; Forensic Rhetoric; Stock Issues
Jonas Gabrielsen Denmark Roskilde University Dept. Of Communication, Business and Information Technologies Associate Professor Rhetorical Theory; The Topic; Public Speaking; Aristotle; Argumentation
Robert Gaines USA University of Maryland Professor Philodemus; Cicero; Sophists; Textual Scholarship (Rhetorical Criticism and Theory)
Hans Gunnarsson Sweden Högskolan i Halmstad University Lecturer Didactics; Visual Rhetoric; Political Rhetoric; Quintillian
Thierry Hirsch United Kingdom University of Oxford Classics Faculty Doctoral Student Cicero; Ancient Rhetoric; Quintillian; Argumentation Theory
Arlene Holmes-Henderson United Kingdom University of Glasgow Researcher Classical Rhetoric; Plato; Aristotle; Democratic Deliberation; Citizenship
Kathleen Lamp USA Arizona State University Dept. Of English Assistant Professor History of Rhetoric; Classical Rhetoric; Visual Rhetoric; Roman Rhetoric; Rhetoric and Gender
Jeroen Lauwers Belgium K.U. Leuven PhD Fellow Second Sophistic; Ancient Greek Literature; Literary Theory; Discourse Analysis; Systemic Theory
Carsten Madsen Denmark Aarhus University School of Communication and Culture Associate Professor Antiquity; Rhetoric and Epistemology; Sophism; Niezsche; Paideia
Mari Lee Mifsud USA University of Richmond Dept. Rhetoric and Communication Studies Associate Professor Rhetorical Theory; Ancient Greek Rhetorical Theory and Culture; History of Rhetoric; Homeric Rhetoric; Gift-Giving
Lene Rubinstein United Kingdom Royal Halloway University of London Centre for Oratory and Rhetoric Professor Greek (direct) Democracy; Attic Oratory; Oratory and Rhetoric in Inter-State Relations; Legal Education; Forensic Oratory (Ancient and Modern)
Jean Wagemans Netherlands University of Amsterdam Assistant Professor Argumentation Theory; Ancient Dialectic; Ancient Rhetoric; Pragma-Dialectics; Expert Argumentation
Guy Westwood United Kingdom University of Oxford Classics Faculty Leventis Research Fellow Political Oratory; Democratic Rhetoric; Classical Athenian Oratory; Demosthenes; Aeschines
Janja Žmavc Slovenia University of Primorska Educational Research Institute Assistant Professor  Classical Rhetoric; Ethos; Argumentation; Pragmatics; Education