
Name: University: Affiliation: Position: Email: Keywords:
Nils Ekedahl Södertörn University Institute for Communication, Media and IT Associate Professor nils.ekedahl@sh.se History of Rhetoric; History of Education; Early Modern Period; Epideictic; Rhetoric of Public Spheres
Anders Erikson Lund University Communication and Media Associate Professor anders.eriksson@kom.lu.se History of rhetoric; Progymnasmata; Interculture; Rhetorical criticism; Oral communication
Marie Gelang Örebro University HumUS Akademin Professor marie.gelang@oru.se Actio; Nonverbal Communication; Political Speech; Kairos; Timing
Hans Gunnarsson Högskolan i Halmstad University Lecturer hans.gunnarsson@tele2.se Didactics; Visual Rhetoric; Politicl Rhetoric; Quintillian
Helena Hansson Nylund Örebro University School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences PhD Fellow helenanylund@hotmail.com Dialogue; Risk Communication; Rhetoric of Science; Public Policy
Lennart Hellspong Södertörn University Professor (retired) lennart.hellspong@sh.se Rhetoric; Didactics; Argumentation; Democracy; Negotiation
Cornelia Ilie Malmö University Professor cornelia.ilie@gmail.com Political Discourse; Cross-Cultural Rhetoric; Argumentation; Academic Genres; Institutional Discourses
Susanna Magnusson Lund University Communication and Media PhD Fellow susanna.magnusson@kom.lu.se Ethos; Intercultural Rhetoric; Doxa; Pro-Active Crisis Communication
Brigitte Mral Örebro University School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Professor brigitte.mral@oru.se Crisis Communication; Rhetoric and Gender; Visual Rhetoric; Political Communication; Right Wing Rhetoric
Tomas Nilsson Lund University Dept. Of Service Management PhD Fellow tomas.nilsson@ism.lu.se Rhetoric; Marketing; Selling; Professional Services
Stefan Rimm Uppsala University Teacher/Reseacher stefan@rimm.se History of Rhetoric; History of Education; Identity; Early Modern Period; Rhetoric and Education
Mats Rosengren Södertörn University Dept. For Communication, Media and IT Professor mats.rosengren@sh.se Doxology; Philosophical Anthropology/Archeology; Cornelius Castoriadis; Ernst Cassirer; Cave Art
Orla Vigsö Södertörn University Institute for Communication, Media and IT Professor orla.vigso@sh.se Crisis Communication; Political Communication; Visual Rhetoric; Argumentation; Corporate Communication
Frank Zenker Lund University Reseacher (Dr.phil.) frank.zenker@fil.lu.se Social Epistemology; Argumentaion